Read Across America Day!
Thank you to United Way of Salt Lake volunteers and parent volunteers for reading with our students today!
Thank you to United Way of Salt Lake volunteers and parent volunteers for reading with our students today!
Read Across America Week is this week Feb. 28-March 4. Mrs. Erickson, our East Midvale librarian extraordinaire, has shared ways to talk about books with your kids! Monday – Share
READ ACROSS AMERICA WEEK: Our wonderful librarian Mrs. Erickson has shared tips to engage with your students on reading and books. These tips will be shared each day this week
NO SCHOOL on Monday February 21, 2022 President’s Day BOEING E-WEEK Volunteers from Boeing will be spending time this week teaching fun and engaging STEM lessons on flying a paper
Office Hours
Monday – Friday:
8:00 am to 4:00 p.m.