6990 South 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047
Mrs. Guzman has been the After School Director at East Midvale for two years. Starting in the fall she will join the 4th grade team teaching. Here is a brief
Mr. Platner is a 4th grade teacher. In addition to his teaching day, he hosts an weekly after school sport activity that changes with the seasons! An avid sportsman, he
Dragons Love Tacos https://cdn-us-east-1.swivl.com/video/file/20200419/1208821040733d1ccb_360.mp4?Expires=1589297191&Signature=gh9dq631Gqx9mCo0fMeV9GWY7gw9w8SkzXUF~pHUfkRH7-wy2RfpojoRHRAFdCpSJKfnV~VaS4X1o8EW9ZTWr0S~3yg9R61Piug74EzBW6oFl8xdRpy7Dn1eo-x07SuwJ5n-8AOsg-JHbsYR~Fu3EhZaeYTHX1E7u7ZcqC49q9WvfHR1m8Zc7djMBA-0GfSKxdBgCz-8TbrK7Ac9OcAUGhBuZbN2pnQXl6MXZpPzYcfUBKOAHV9yhls6FSsxro5Xqu77FPa9l-Tfha9IJLDXQCMY-Ig9sW7HN6dUJGFsFv9EqPAhJ7pefUl8Gk2w7SuiP~gRfiMmxBmjPCNOoxcW0A__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAIB535FCEIYUZ4TXA
Mrs. Brown, our school psychologist, shares one of her favorite books about feelings. We all have feelings. They are not good or bad – they just are. Being aware of
Office Hours
Monday – Friday:
8:00 am to 4:00 p.m.