6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

September 20, 2023 – Minutes

Minutes for Sept. 20th 2023 meeting:  (approved at Oct. 11 SCC Meeting)


  • Daniel Berry-second year of term.
    Jen Berry-second year of term. (VICE CHAIR)
    Ashlea Wilkes-first year of new term.  (CHAIR)
    Chae Vidal-first year of new term.
    Raschell Davis-first year of new term.
    Ahna Bruno-first year of new term. (STAFF)
  • Matt Nelson, Principal
  • Mont Milleberg, CSD Board Member

Mr. Nelson opened the meeting and everyone introduced themselves.

Mr. Nelson reviewed the rules of order, and the available SCC trainings provided by the district.  We then discussed the plans the SCC is responsible for.

Mr. Millerberg asked what we had identified as our most important safety issue and Ashlea Wilkes responded that it was the easy access to the school provided by some walkways at different points of the school.  We discussed people on school property that should not be there, including dogs.  We discussed the use of the school grounds by other people including a golfer.

Mr. Nelson reported out on the current school plan and associated expenditures.  He asked for the SCC to consider changing two allocation amounts to help pay for FTE the school was short on.  Daniel asked about why there wasn’t enough Title One money this year and Mr. Nelson responded that due to changes in funding sources, including all day kindergarten, ESSR funds and other expiring grants we needed to come back to SCC to ask for $17,000.  Mr. Nelson explained where we get the cell tower money and how it’s spent, which is on meals for teachers, and that the community partners fund and the cell tower money be approved to be moved to the Principals Fund.   The council voted and unanimously approved that the Cell Tower money and Community Partners money be moved to the Principals Fund.

We discussed the meeting schedule for the year and it was voted unanimously to approve meetings the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 5:15 except for December and May.

We also voted on and approved that Ashlea Wilkes serve as Chair, and Jen Berry serve as Vice Chair.  That was approved by a vote of 6-0 with Raschell Davis absent, as she had not yet arrived to the meeting.  There was a motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:50 which was seconded by Jen Berry and a unanimous vote was made to adjourn the meeting.

Next Meeting:  October 11th at 5:15 in the Library.  Agenda Items:  Digital Citizenship Plan feedback.  Fall Benchmark Data.