6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

September 14, 2022 – Minutes

East Midvale Elementary School Community Council Draft Minutes

Date:  September 14th, 2022

Faculty Attendance: Matt Nelson-Principal, Greg Platner-4th grade teacher

Parent Attendance: Daniel Berry-Chair, Ashlea Wilkes-Vice Chair, Jeanifer Berry-Parent, Ehin Wilkes-Parent, Liz Mangus-Parent

Agenda Items:

  1. Discuss SCC roster roles
  2. Review approved expenditures for the year
  3. Discuss and approve meeting days and times for the year.
  4. Discussion of Cell Tower money


  1.  SCC roster role review – Jeanifer Berry is on her 5th year.  Daniel Berry is on his 5th year.  Ashlea Wilkes is on 2nd year.  Liz Mangus is starting the 2nd year and will be done after this year.  Ehin wilkes is starting year 4.
  2. We agreed to meet on the 2nd Wednesday of each month starting at 5:15 pm and to skip the December 2022 meeting.
  3. Mr. Nelson reviewed approved expenditures from Trust Lands and TSSA last year.  The council voted unanimously to approve the Cell Tower money to be moved to the principal’s fund.
  4. We adjourned at 5:55.

Next Meeting: Oct. 12th.