6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

February 11, 2020 – Minutes



  • Matt Nelson-Principal
  • Raschell Davis -5th grade teacher
  • Alex Torr – 3rd grade teacher


  • Jacob Hill – SCC President
  • Jeanifer Berry – Parent
  • Daniel Berry – Parent
  • Ian Wilks – Parent

East Midvale SCC Meeting 2/11/2020

  1. Internet Safety – Canyons School District uses a filter called Content Keeper. Each grade has different filters. There is a staff filter and a student filter. The filters help keep the students off of non-appropriate filters.
  2. Discussed the schools efforts on good digital citizenship.  Teachers have a program called Lanschool to help monitor student computer activity.
  3. Emergency Procedures Plan – Plans reviewed and approved.
  4. Emotional Support – Second Step Curriculum going to be rolled out in the 2020-21 school year.
  5. Concerns about safety from parents:
    1. They want to do a drill during a chaotic time of the day (example: lunch time) to see how we handle the situation and how quickly we are able to account for all of the students.
    2. The crosswalk is still a big concern for parents and teachers.
  6. Reading Data Review
    1. Students Showing Typical or above typical growth.
      1. Kinder – 71%
      2. 1st grade – 50%
      3. 2nd grade – 58%
      4. 3rd grade – 62%
      5. 4th grade – 51%
      6. 5th grade – 63%
      7. Whole school average 59%
    2. Goal is 80% by the end of the school year.
    3. Teachers are going to be filming themselves and looking at student engagement during a lesson.

6:10 PM Alex Torr Proposed to Adjourn the meeting.

Meeting sustained and adjourned.