6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

January 14, 2020 – Minutes


Matt Nelson-Principal 
Mont Millerberg – CSD Board of Education Representative 
Raschell Davis -5th grade teacher
Alex Torr – 3rd grade teacher


Jacob Hill – SCC President
Jeanifer Berry – Parent
Daniel Berry – Parent
Ian Wilks – Parent

1/14/2020 – School Community Council Meeting Minutes

  1. Cell Tower Money was approved to be transferred.  Vote was proposed by- Jacob Hill. Seconded – Alex Torr.  Vote approved – Jeanifer Berry, Daniel Berry, Ian Wilks, Raschell Davis, Matt Nelson, Alex Torr,
  2. SNAP plan was reviewed and discussed.   Mention of putting a fence next to the drop off lane was discussed again.  All members signed the approval of the SNAP plan.
  3. Discussion of proposed change of C-SIP goal.
    1. As a school the teachers are wanting to change the progress and growth goal for the students to be 80% school wide.
    2. We discussed the turnover rate in the school being 30% of the students.
    3. We will update the C-SIP goal to represent this new goal.

Motion to adjourn – Jacob Hill

Seconded – Jeanifer Barry