6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

October 9, 2024 – minutes

October 11th, 2024 Meeting Agenda and Draft Minutes

East Midvale Elementary School Community Council 


Faculty SCC Members:  Matt Nelson-Principal, Ahna Bruno-4th grade teacher

Parent SCC Members: Raschell Davis, Amberlee Standring, Ehin Wilkes, Bryony Robison

Community Members:  


Agenda Items:

  1. New membership
  2. Elect Chair and Vice Chair
  3. Adopt Rules of Order
  4. Meeting minutes approval
  5. Cell Tower Money 
  6. Digital Citizenship Plan-pushed to Nov. Meeting
  7. Safe Walking Routes
  8. School Safety Report-Pushed to Nov. Meeting
  9. Review current year plan and expenditures
  10. Principal Assurance
  11. TSSP Amendment Request
  12. Meeting schedules posted


Draft Minutes-

Ahna Bruno made a motion to start the meeting at 5:35. Bryony Robison seconded the motion. Motion was approved unanimously.

Ahna made a motion to approve Ehin Wilkes and Bryony Robison to Community Council. Amberlee Standring seconded the motion. Motion was approved unanimously.

Bryony Robison made a motion to Adopt Rules of Order. Ehin Wilkes seconded it. Motion was approved unanimously.

Bryony Robison made a motion to approve meeting minutes. Bryony Robison seconded the motion. Approved unanimously.

Ehin Wilkes made a motion to nominate Ashlea Wilkes as chair. Bryony Robison seconded the motion. Approved unanimously.

Amberlee Standring made a motion to be vice chair. Ehin Wilkes seconded it. Motion was approved unanimously.

Amberlee Standring made a motion to release Cell Tower Money. Ehin Wilkes seconded it. Motion was approved unanimously.

Amberlee Standring made a motion to approve the TSSP Amendment Request. Bryony Robison seconded the motion. Motion was approved unanimously.

Amberlee Standring made a motion to move the January meeting to January 15th. Ehin Wilkes seconded it. Motion was approved unanimously.

Ahna Bruno made a motion to move the April meeting to April 2nd. Ehin Wilkes seconded it. Motion was approved unanimously.

Ahna Bruno made a motion to end the meeting at 6:20. Ehin Wilkes seconded it. Motion was approved unanimously.