6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

October 6, 2021 – Minutes

Faculty Attendance: Matt Nelson (principal), Greg Platner (4th grade teacher) Mont Millerberg (school board member)

Parent Attendance: Liz Mangus, Ashlea Wilkes, Ehin Wilkes, Daniel Berry, Jeanifer Berry

Agenda Items for October 6, 2021 Meeting:

  1. Review and approve meeting minutes from Sept. Meeting
  2. Review Fall Benchmark Data for math and reading
  3. Review the TSSA Plan and School Land Trust Plan
  4. Review approved expenditures from both plans and give update.
  5. Cell Tower Money–$4113.00

Oct. 6, 2021 Approved Meeting Minutes: 

Meeting Minutes:  The meeting minutes were read and Daniel Berry made a motion to approve and a second was done by Ashlea Wilkes and they were approved as read and writted unanimously by the council.

Mr. Nelson reviewed East Midvale’s fall benchmark data for math and reading.  He pointed out that second grade proficiency was at 60% of students scoring at well below benchmark and that this was the grade level that was potentially the hardest hit grade level due to the pandemic.  Mr. Nelson reviewed the current school year plan, including the math, reading, and school climate goals and corresponding expenditures.

The council voted on and approved to move the cell tower money to the principal’s discretionary fund.  That money is used to help pay for teacher meals throughout the year.

The issue of the leaking roof was discussed. Mr. Nelson explained how the roof in Mrs. Aquino’s room has been leaking on and off since the beginning of the year.  Mr. Nelson also explained how there have been ongoing issues with leaks since the new roof and sky lights were put in two summers ago.  The council wanted to know how to support the school and different ideas were discussed including emailing and contacting their school board member.  In general the council expressed concern for the building and wanting to make sure the school is taken care of.

The meeting was called to adjourn at 6:45.