6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

November 9, 2022 – Minutes

Date: November 9th 2022 Approved Minutes

Faculty Attendance:  Matt Nelson

Parent Attendance:  Jeanifer Berry, Daniel Berry, Ashlea Wilkes, Liz Mangus, Ehin Wilkes

Agenda Items:

  1. Review previous meeting notes
  2. School Safety Plan
  3. Digital Citizenship Plan

Minutes:   We discussed the school safety plan and the digital citizenship plan.

The previous meeting minutes were read and approved by unanimous vote.

We discussed parking lot safety and how students are taught to be safe on the internet at school.

We discussed the google safe search filter and how that works.  We discussed the content filter and the types of phrases that are flagged including phrases that would indicate that a student may be in danger of harming themselves.