6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

November 10, 2020 – Minutes

Minutes from Nov. 10, 2020 meeting

Attendance:  Jeanifer Berry, Daniel Berry, Shelley McCall, Jacob Hill, Ehin Wilkes, Ashlea Wilkes

The meeting minutes from the October meeting were reviewed and approved to be posed to the website.

New expendittures were discussed and shared.  Mr. Nelson explained calm corners and how they work inside classrooms as a safe space where a student has structured time and activities they can engage in when they are experiencing big emotions.  Shelley talked about spending the money on bean bags or nice timers or just nicer things for the calm corners.  We discussed getting a new mascot costume and the Soy De Wall as pieces of improving school culture and as a part of PBIS.  Jacob Hill expressed a desire to spend the money on salary and getting more people into the school for intervention.  Shelley explained the Soy De Wall as a possible replacement of the Freedom Wall at the top of orange hall.  It would be pictures of the students with a statement that finishes the prompt “I am…”.  Mr. Nelson shared the numbers for in person and online enrollment changes.  We have 18 students coming back for in person learning and 22 switching to online learning for the second trimester.  We agreed to change the day of our meetings to the 2nd Wednesday of the month from 5:15-6:15.  We got good feedback on ParentSquare.

Next meeting will be Wednesday, December 9th from 5:15-6:15.  We will discuss the details of the proposed expenditures to be approved by the School Board.