6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

March 9, 2022 – Minutes

East Midvale School Community Council Meeting Minutes Approved March 9th  2022

Faculty Attendance:  Matt Nelson, Greg Platner

Parent Attendance: Jeanifer Berry, Daniel Berry (Chair), Ehin Wilkes, Ashlea Wilkes(Vice Chair), Liz Mangus

Agenda Items and Notes:

  1. Review and approve February 9th meeting minutes.

-Minutes read and approved by the council.

  1. 2022/2023 School Land Trust and Teacher and Student Success Act Plans
  • communication plan around Science standards, what are being taught and how to help supplement
  • do we need an engagement plan around standards being taught and tested
  • we discussed what science standards are being taught and how do we access those standards.
  • we discussed the need for more transparency and communication around what is being taught and how parents can support the learning happening in school.
  • Mr. Nelson proposed the following goals for consideration by the SCC:
    • Proposed Math Goal:  Currently 79% of students K-5 are making typical or better growth as measured by the math Composite Score.  By May 2023, 85% of students K-5, will achieve typical or better progress as measure by the Math composite score.
    • Proposed Reading Goal: Currently 62% of students K-5 are making typical or better growth as measured by the reading composite score.  By May of 2023, 70% of students K-5, will achieve typical or better progress as measured by the Reading composite score.
    • Proposed Attendance Goal:  Currently East Midvale’s average daily attendance is at 85%.  By May of 2023, we will achieve an average daily attendance measurement of 95%.
  1. Safe Walking Routes plan

-We discussed the fact that the crossing Guard for 300 east isn’t staying passed the times that Mr. Nelson thought she should be staying for.  He will contact the city to see how long before and after the bell the crossing guard should be on 300 East.

-We discussed the parking lot and the need for some added pathways or crossing areas going through the north west part of the main parking area are needed.  Right now people are crossing grass areas and parking strips.

  1. Next Meeting will be held on March 30th at 5:15 in the Library.