6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

January 5, 2022 – Minutes

East Midvale School Community Council Meeting Agenda

January 5th  2022

Faculty Attendance:  Matt Nelson, Greg Platner, Valerie Payne

Parent Attendance:  Liz Mangus, Ehin Wilkes, Ashlea Wilkes-Vice Chair, Daniel Berry-Chair, Jen Berry

Agenda Items: 

  1. December Minutes Approval-Motion to approve with the following changes-Ashlea Wilkes as the vice chair and Ehin wilkes as SCC rep, and change Mark to Mont.
  2. Boundary Discussion Recap and follow up questions

-Addressed building issues, felt we were told that we won’t be high on the priority list for new building. Disctrict reps addressed the repairs the building has had.

-Talked about middle school placements if the new elementary boundaries changed

-Matt plans to meet with a few district reps (1/7/22) to discuss expectations regarding repairs/work orders around the school. We are being patient with many things that need repair but it feels that we are not getting the care that we need. What should our expectations be and are they fair?

  1. Student Supports planning – Valerie Payne, School Social Worker

-in replacement of SEL curriculum, we are seeking to use texts that would be accompanied by circle questions.

-texts are aligned to SOAR and each month’s text would be aligned to the focus trait for that month.

-What activities could we add to the SEL created curriculum to help the teachers deliver the content in a meaningful way?

-example lesson plan teaching how to cope with basic feelings that would be directed towards K-2. (feedback: font may be hard to read, Ashlea agrees that SEL curriculum is a need and has a strong desire to see it taught in the classroom)

  1. Discussion for Optional SCC trainings

-This month (January 2022)

  1. Other:

-Is there a way to get more interventionists from the district? The interventionists are feeling overloaded. (short answer: no, long answer: it’s complicated)