6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

January 17, 2024 – Minutes

January 17,  2024 SCC Meeting Agenda

East Midvale Elementary School Community Council

Faculty SCC Members:  Matt Nelson, Ahna Bruno

Parent SCC Members:  Ashlea Wilkes, Jeanifer Berry, Daniel Berry

Community Members:  Mont Millerberg

Agenda Items:

  1. Reading and Approval of November 2023 meeting minutes
  2. Progress monitoring data review
  3. Plans and schedule for February and March meetings
  4. Teacher of the Year Plans

Draft Minutes:

Ashlea Wilkes voted to start the meeting at 5:27.

Chair made a motion to approve November 2023 meeting minutes. Jeanifer seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.

Discussed progress monitoring data in reading and math for grades K-5.

Talked about submitting teacher of the year submission.

Motion to move Feb meeting to the 21st. Ashlea called a motion to approve. Was seconded by Jen Berry and unanimously approved.

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:17 which was seconded by Jen Berry and a unanimous vote was made to adjourn the meeting.