6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

January 11, 2023 – Minutes

January 11, 2023 Notes (approved 2.22.23)

East Midvale Elementary School Community Council

Faculty SCC Members:  Matthew Nelson, Gregory Platner

Parent SCC Members:  Daniel Berry, Jeanifer Berry, Elizabeth Mangus, Ashlea Wilkes, Ehin Wilkes

Mr. Nelson reviewed the meeting minutes from the Nov. 9th meeting and a motion was made to approve the minutes.  Through unanimous vote the meeting minutes were approved.

Mr. Nelson reviewed the current expenditures from the current Land Trust and TSSP budgets.  He highlighted that we have money sitting in accounts from unhired people.  We also discussed the possibility of budgeting more for field trips for next year and using current year funds to help pay for school improvements like the window perforations.

Mr. Nelson gave the SCC a tour of the damage caused by the sewer back up in the purple hall.

We also looked at the fish tanks that Mrs. Riley got through the Innovations grant to grow trout.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:10.

Next Meeting:  February 8th, 2023 @ 5:15 in the Library