6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

February 9, 2022 – Minutes

East Midvale School Community Council Meeting Draft Minutes

February 9th 202 (Approved 3.9.2022 Meeting)

Faculty Attendance: Matt Nelson-Principal, Greg Platner-Teacher

Parent Attendance: Daniel Berry- Chair, Ashlea Wilkes-Vice Chair, Ehin Wilkes-Parent, Jeanifer Berry-Parent/Employee

Agenda Items and Minutes:

  1. Review and approve January meeting minutes-motion to approve by Daniel Berry and a second by Ashlea Wilkes. They were approved with no changes needed by unanimous consent by the rest of the council.
  2. Review proposed Amendment for TSSA and Land Trust expenditures-We re-allocated $67,474 to pay for laptops, the salary for a permanent sub, math supplies, dry erase tables, phonemic awareness and phonics supplies and headphones. We re-allocated $67,516 in Land Trust monies to pay for increases in hours to interventionists and $30,000 on lap tops.  A motion was made to approve the changes and it was approved unanimously by 6 present members with one member not in attendance.
  3. Review of Mid-year Benchmark Data-Mr. Platner highlighted our mid-year data. 62% of our students are making typical growth for reading and 54% of our students are at benchmark for math computation.