6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

February 22, 2023 – Minutes

February 22, 2023

East Midvale Elementary School Community Council

Attending Faculty SCC Members:  Matthew Nelson, Gregory Platner, Shelley McCall

Attending Parent SCC Members:  Daniel Berry, Jeanifer Berry, Elizabeth Mangus, Ashlea Wilkes, Ehin Wilkes


    1. 14 nominations reviewed by members earlier in day and decision made for teacher of the year
    2. Will keep decision under wraps until reveal in March
  2. Building update (Matt Nelson)
    1. carpet has been replaced in purple hall
    2. replacement of damaged furniture from flooded classrooms coming from district fund
  3. Mid year data dive (Greg Platner)
    1. Our goal for math composite is 85% of students are making typical growth – our data shows that 68% are making that projected growth
      1. EME was ambitious on this goal because last year we had done so well mid year  (2021-22’s year end was 82%)
      2. teachers still working to be masters of the curriculum
      3. Action plan was to do field trips that support development of math skills in Action Plan – is this happening?
      4. We have not been able to hire teacher/aides to support Small Group instruction
    2. Our goal for ELA is 70% of students making typical growth and EME is at 62% – same spot as 2022
    3. Sub group data presented for math
    4. Question:  Is attendance still affecting the data and is the attendance mentor position making a difference?  Mr. Nelson:  Our attendance is not better or worse than other Title I schools.  Need to restructure and simplify how attendance is being done.  Funding is available for home visits next year.  Mr. Platner:  Teachers still need more clarity on process
  4. Mr. Nelson reviewed BLT process to brainstorm ideas to productively use TSSA funds in addition to what funds are already paying for (Dojo Store, PBIS, etc)
    1. This is Meeting #1 for SCC input in writing our school improvement plan
    2. Mr. Nelson will provide draft by March 22 to SCC with teacher input
    3. Move March SCC meeting date to March 29 – Meeting #2
  5. Draft Minutes from January 11 approved as official meeting notes

Meeting adjourned at 6:17 pm