6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

March 10, 2021 – Minutes

Minutes:  The February 10th meeting minutes were read and reviewed and approved by unanimous consent.  Mr. Nelson presented feedback and ideas to the SCC about shifting the school wide focus to math for next year.  He shared feedback from the teachers noting they were excited about the change and that the school had been focusing on reading for many years and they are in need of professional development for math.  Mr. Nelson explained how the school would measure progress with math benchmarks.  The SCC felt good about the proposed changes and some feedback was that it will be nice to add interventions and aides for math.  Mr. Nelson asked for money from TSSP to fund half a teacher salary so the school could have 24 teachers next year which is down from the 25 they had this year.  Jake Hill expressed that he thought it would be nice to focus on math to hit students who may be stronger in math than language including English Learners.  The meeting was adjourned at 6:07.