6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

February 10, 2021 – Minutes

East Midvale School Community Council Minutes

Date: 2/10/2021

Attendance:  Ehin Wilkes, Ashlea Wilkes, Jeanifer Berry, Daniel Berry, Shelley McCall, Raschell Davis, Mont Millerberg.

Agenda Items:

  1. Review and approve last months minutes
  2. Review mid-year reading benchmark data
  3. Discuss timeline and process for creating next years plans
  4. Other

Minutes:  Minutes from January meeting were reviewed and approved unanimously by vote.  Raschell Davis presented our Mid-year reading data.  We showed that we have improved our percentage of students who were making typical or better growth.  We currently have 64% of in person students making typical or better growth on reading and 62% of all students including online learning making typical or better growth.  Our ELL students are making good gains of the copopulations that we looked at.  Mr. Nelson discussed the timeline and some ideas around prepping to write the school improvement plan for next year.