6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Week of Sept. 11-15, 2023 Parent Update

BREAKFAST PICK UP – All students from Kinder through 5th grade can pick up breakfast before school in the cafeteria.  All students enter through the door on the north side of the school.  Bus students are directed to unload the bus and get breakfast directly.  Students then eat breakfast in the classroom once school starts.

SAFE PICK UP AND DROP OFF: ​ ​ Many of the students in the morning will be walking the sidewalk along the drop off lane to get breakfast.  Please drive slowly in both of those lanes.  Please pull all the way forward in the curbside lane to drop off your student.  And have them get out of the car on the curbside.  Please watch for students who may not be paying attention.  Our goal is to keep every student and every parent safe during pick up and drop off.  If you or your student need more time to transition to and from school, please park in the parking lot instead of using the drop off lane and cross at the crosswalk flags with them.  Thank you.

FRESH PRODUCE MARKET Tuesday Sept. 12 at 2:30 pm.   Parents can pick up a bag of fresh produce while supplies last.  Thank you Rancho Markets and community funders for this resource.

VACCINE CLINIC at CSD – No cost for students.  Friday September 22 from 1:30-5:00 pm at the district office, 9361 S. 300 E. Sandy (across from Mt. Jordan Middle School).

FREE WIFI INTERNET – Canyons District continues to provide free internet for families through Comcast Internet Essentials.  To enroll, reply to this post or call Mrs. McCall at East Midvale at 801 826 8406.  Ask for a Comcast Code.  Then call Comcast at 1-844-963 0178 with the code.


  • Sept. 26 – Vision and Medical Clinics by Utah Partners for Health
  • Sept. 27-28 Parent Teacher Conferences
  • Sept. 27 Scholastic Book Fair at East Midvale Elementary
  • Thursday Sept. 28  Early Dismissal at 1:10 pm
  • Friday Sept. 29 No School

SALTA APPLICATIONS are being accepted now Sept. 5 through Oct. 6, 2023.  The SALTA Magnet program is for advanced learners.  Consider applying for your student if you see any of these traits in them:  high intellectual ability, intense curiosity, rapid learning pace, exceptional memory and retention, high levels of creativity, intense focus and concentration, advanced language skills and strong intrinsic motivation.   See the front office for more information.