6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Week of Aug. 16-22 Parent Update


  • What will it look like to come back to school?  Our website will have a new video posted every day this week (Aug. 17-21) to show all the how-tos! 
  • Thursday Aug. 20 – Virtual Back to School Night! Drive by East Midvale between 5-5:30 pm to wave hello to your new teacher.  At 6:00 pm videos from Principal Nelson will be posted along with teacher classroom tours on our website!
  • Facial coverings / masks are required for all students, parents and staff.  This includes on the bus, before school and after school, and during school day (except lunch and recess).  We are all in this together setting a good example and keeping our whole community safe!
  • No First Day of School Red Carpet.  Parents – please drop off all students at the front of the school between 8 and 8:10 am.  All students will go to the back of the school to line up with their classes at grade level doors.  A school map will be emailed and posted on the website this week!
  • New Kindergarteners – did you make a KEEP appointment for Aug 24-26?  If not, call the front office to schedule: 801-826-8350.
  • Families who registered ONLINE, a separate communication with information about Chromebooks and meals will be sent this week.
  • Mobile Food Pantry Thursday Aug. 20 at 9:00 am at Mountain View Christian Assembly Church, 300 E. 8000 S., Sandy UT.