6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

SPOTLIGHT Teacher of the Year Mrs. Jardine!

Mrs. Jardine has taught at East Midvale for 19 years – 18 of those as a 1st grade teacher! 

Asked what her favorite part about teaching is, she says, ” of course the students!”  She loves seeing them grow and develop academically, socially, and emotionally!  She loves how the relationships that evolve with each of them and their families, and continuing those relationships even past the first grade! 

When a former student comes back to visit or reaches out for help for further school and/or career growth and development, it is a highlight in her day.

What did Mrs. Jardine want to be when she was growing up?  Either a teacher or a social worker!!  She decided to be a teacher because she loves working with children and felt like she could teach the academics as well as important life skills!

Mrs. Jardine has touched the lives of so many young students and their families.  She received an overwhelming number of nominations from students, parents and fellow teachers.  Our community is so grateful for all that Mrs. Jardine has given.  

What students say about Mrs. Jardine:

  • She is really kind and she lets us do cool stuff in class.  She even makes math fun.
  • She always encourages us to read and encourages us in general.  
  • She is always happy and nice.  She has lots of fun ideas.
  • She makes sure everyone is enjoying themselves and she always has time to talk to her past students when we see her in the hall.
  •  Everyday I tell Mrs. Jardine I love her because I do!
  • She is a very special teacher and I am learning so much from her.
  • She is calm and caring and always making sure I do my assignments and set goals.