6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Scripps Spelling Bee 2023 at EME

Thirty six winners from 12 classrooms in third, fourth and fifth grades at East Midvale competed today in the Scripps School Spelling Bee hosted by our own East Midvale PTA!  Seven rounds of spelling with the winning word being SERUM.
Winners: 1st: Solon E. (5th grade Ms. Fatai) 2nd: Lizzey N. (5th grade Ms. Jenkins) and 3rd: Juan P. (4th grade Ms. Bruno)
Solon and Lizzey will compete in the Regional Spelling Bee on March 11. Pictured with Ms. Pua.

Thank you to the East Midvale PTA for hosting this event.  Thank you to these parents for volunteering to help:  Sarah Rayl for organizing, Lauren Graves for being the pronouncer and Ehin Wilkes for being the judge.