6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Passport Plushies arrive from around the world!

Zoom call before travelling to new homes!
Thank you Mrs. Crandall for organizing this service based and learning project!
Thank you to Ms. Crandall's 5th grade classes in Park City School District for sending these plushies to new homes in Midvale!
These plushies travelled far to reach East Midvale and Midvale Elementary Preschoolers!
Each animal came with a Passport telling us all about the country it came from, what it eats and its family!
Swift Pebbles the River Otter has activities too for his new friend to do!
This bear is named Chubbs and is from Moscow Russia!
Llama Llama is from Abuya Nigeria
Hoa Akee Ake is from Auckland New Zealand
Fluffy the Red Panda is from Bhutan
"This is a snow bear!"
"I wrapped mine in a blankie."
My fish's name means "friend" in her language!"
"I love my new bunny!"