6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Parent Update Week Sept. 28-Oct. 2, 2020

Thank you for attending Parent Teacher Conferences!

Beginning the week of Oct. 5, Canyons District is transitioning to a blended model of learning.  There will be no in person or online classes on Fridays beginning Oct. 9.  This will be in effect at least through winter recess. 

The Scholastic Book Fair is still happening through Oct. 6!  Here is the link:  ONLINE BOOK FAIR LINK  

The next Mobile Food Pantry at East Midvale will be on Tuesday Oct. 6

Does your student need shoes?  Please contact Mrs. McCall via email or phone with request and size.  New shoes will be provided in December through Warm the Soles program at Jordan Credit Union.

Are you struggling to make rent?  Follow this link Rent Relief

The PTA fundraiser is also a FUN-raiser!  Has your student taken Eddie for a run or walk?  Have you taken a picture and shared it with East Midvale?  Pictures will be posted.  Donations due on Monday Sept. 28!

Where has Eddie the Eagle been?

2nd Step - Social Emotional Learning Tip of the Week: Attentive listening skills

Kinder and 1st grade is:

  • Ask your child to show you how to make an attento-scope.  Here’s how.
    • Cup hands around each eye like binoculars. 
    • Say “Focus” or “Listen” to switch on the attent-o-scope. 
    • Puts down the attent-o-scope, but pretends it is still there.
  • When you really need to get your child’s focused attention, suggest that your child use the attent-o-scope. 

 2nd-5th grade attentive listening skills:

  • Focus on the person’s words
  • Use self talk to stay focused and ignore distractions. 
  • Don’t interrupt.
  • Ask questions to find out more.
  • Repeat what you heard to show you understand.

Connecting the language teachers use at school and parents use at home strongly reinforces the behaviors!  Thank you for being awesome parents to awesome kids!