6990 South 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Parent Update Week of September 9-13, 2024


  • Recess – Students have embraced this new routine and it is indeed bringing a safer, more predictable and better supervised experience for all our students.  Students can now choose between soccer, playground, a rotating game, or new game of the week.  Lunch recess is also a time that students can shop the DOJO store.

  • Brain Boosters – This year, Brain Booster classes are every day but Friday.  Students go to gym, music, art, library or computers.  This 45 minute block that students spend with Brain Booster teachers is giving our amazing grade level teams time to prepare lessons, collaborate and improve instruction.

  • PTA meeting was held Friday.  A budget was proposed and will be sent out to all membership for approval.  Please consider joining for $5.00.  You can use a pay envelope that is available in the front office or contact the PTA President at eastmidvalepta@gmail.com

PARENT CLASSES TO LEARN ENGLISH:  Our Family Learning Center will begin English classes on Monday September 9.  Parents wanting to learn English are invited to attend classes Monday through Thursday from 8:30 am to 10:00 am.  Kenia Bush is the FLC director and teacher.  Please reach out to her if you have questions.  801-826-5591

ALL PRO DADS is back!  Fathers and father figures are invited to bring their students to a breakfast gathering on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7:45 am.  The first All Pro Dads meeting is Wednesday September 18.  Mr. Wilhite will talk about being proactive. Look for the Parent Square invitation to RSVP


  • Scholastic Book Fair – September 23, 24, 25 in the Library.

  • Monday Sept 23 and Wednesday Sept . 25 – Parent Teacher Conferences

  • THURSDAY Sept. 26 – Early dismissal at 1:10 pm

  • Friday Sept. 27 – NO SCHOOL

PARENT VISITORS TO EAST MIDVALE:  All parents and adults who want to enter the school building need to do so through the front office and get a visitor badge.  This includes parents dropping their students off in the morning for breakfast.   This policy ensures student and staff safety.

SALTA APPLICATIONS:  The application window for Specialized Classes for Advanced Learners is open now until October 4.  If your child exhibits intense curiosity and focus, a rapid learning pace, exceptional memory, high levels of creativity and advanced language skills, consider having them tested for this magnet program within Canyons District.  Talk to your student’s teacher or Mr. Nelson.  

SAFE DROP OFF AND PICK UP PROCEDURES:  Thank you for working with us to create the safest drop off and pick up conditions for all our students.  Reminder to please:  

  1. Cross at the yellow or blue flag/ crosswalk during morning and afternoon pick up times.  If you set the example, the students will follow.  

  2. Vehicle lane in front of our school is for a quick drop off or pick up.  There is no parking in that lane and we ask that you remain with the vehicle at all times.  

  3. Pull as far forward as traffic allows in the drop off lane.  This creates more space and better flow for all the vehicles transporting students.     

  4. Drive slowly, look for safety patrol and watch for distracted students.

  5. Use the parking lot if you need to leave your vehicle or if your student needs more time to transition to and from school.   


  • OPERATION SCHOOL BELL – This is a resource through the Assistance League of Salt Lake to provide new school clothing to students in need.  Look for a Parent Square sign up in early September.  If you have received this resource in the past please allow others to fill the limited capacity.  

  • FREE WIFI INTERNET – Canyons District continues to provide free internet for families through Comcast Internet Essentials.  To enroll, reply to this post or call Mrs. McCall at East Midvale at 801 826 8406.  Ask for a Comcast Code.  Then call Comcast at 1-844-963 0178 with the code. 


“I am honored and excited to be joining East Midvale Elementary!  This is my 33rd year in education and I love my profession.  I have taught in Utah, New York, Miami, Singapore and Jakarta, Indonesia.  I have taught everything from Kindergarten Music to 12th grade Comparative Government and most recently, was a Teacher Specialist for Canyons School District.  I was raised and educated in Utah, have a wonderful husband of 33 years, 3 phenomenal children and 2 adorable grandchildren.  I have lived in 4 countries, traveled to over 48 and am always planning my next adventure.  In my free time I enjoy traveling, reading, quilting, and being outdoors.  You can usually find me at school with a Diet Coke in hand and a smile on my face.”  

We welcome Ms. Powell!

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