6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Parent Update Week of September 7-11, 2020

Update for this coming week September 7-11, 2020:

  • NO SCHOOL in-person and online – on Monday Sept. 7 for Labor Day.
  • Wed. Sept 9 – Mobile Food Pantry at EME at 2:45 pm.  One bag of food per family.  Please return the blue pantry flyer that went home with students in Thursday folders.  If your child rides the bus and you would like your student to get food pantry, please send the blue pantry flyer back to school or contact Mrs. McCall or front office.
  • Fri. Sept 11 – Immunization Clinic 1:00-2:30 pm.  Please plan to bring your student if they are in need of immunizations.  This is a no-fee clinic. 
  • Fri. Sept. 11 – PTA virtual meeting.  Please email eastmidvalepta@gmail.com if you would like to attend.  You will receive a link to the Zoom call.
  • Student Drop Off/Pick up Reminder  
    • Parents – please walk with your student in the crosswalk.
    • Please load/unload students into vehicles on sidewalk side of vehicle to keep them most safe!
  • Please plan to attend Parent Teacher Conferences on September 23 or 24.  More scheduling details to follow.