6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Parent Update Week of September 19-23, 2022

PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES:  Scheduling happening now on Parent Square for in person or phone conference with your child’s teacher on Wednesday September 28 or Thursday September 29. Times available after school through early evening both days.  Remember early dismissal on Thursday September 29 at 1:10 pm and no school Friday September 30.

SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR:  Wednesday September 28 in the media center.  This is a great time to buy new and popular picture and chapter books for your students to read.  Early holiday shopping as well!

PTA SCHOOL CARNIVAL:  Thursday September 29 starting at 4:30 pm on the south playground field.  Wristbands can be purchased for all rides for $10, all rides and games for $12.

FREE WIFI INTERNET – Canyons District is continuing to provide free internet for families through Comcast Internet Essentials.  To enroll, call Mrs. McCall at East Midvale at 801 826 8406.  Ask for a Comcast Code.  Then call Comcast at 1-844-963 0178 with the code.  Here is the District post for more information:  FREE WIFI for families

CHROMEBOOKS FOR FAMILIES –  No charge.  These older Chromebooks were once in the classroom and now are available to families to take and keep.  Ask in the East Midvale front office.  Parent needs to set up and connect to internet.  There is no district technology support for these devices.

TUESDAY PRODUCE MARKET is from 2:25 pm to 2:50 pm and parents need to come to pick up a bag.   Fresh produce at no cost to our school families.  Bring a reusable bag.  Thank you Zions Bank and Food for All

SAFE PICK UP AND DROP OFF:  The vehicle lane in front of our school is only to drop off or pick up your student.  This should take less than a minute.  At morning drop off, there is no parking or waiting for the bell to ring while in that lane.  At afternoon pick up, if you are waiting for the bell to ring, you need to remain with the vehicle at all times.  If you or your student needs more time to transition to and from school, please park in the parking lot and cross at the crosswalk flags.  Thank you.