6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Parent Update Week of Sept. 6-10, 2021

Our Eagles SOAR in new blue t-shirts at our first assembly of the year - outside!

NO SCHOOL – Monday September 6 for Labor Day.  Enjoy the holiday.
MOBILE FOOD PANTRY –  Tuesday Sept. 7 at 2:45 pm.  
PTA MEETING – Friday Sept. 10 at noon virtually. To receive a Zoom link for meeting, please email emepta@gmail.com  Information packets available in front office.
IMPORTANT PARENT UPDATE:  Due to a rise in positive COVID cases at East Midvale masks will be strongly encouraged at school; students who are ill should stay at home, and parents are asked to get their children tested and examined by a medical professional if their student has such COVID-19 symptoms as cough, fever, or difficulty breathing.  We will continue to have assigned seating in the lunchroom, maximize all available space in classrooms and keep students grouped together throughout the day.  Additional efforts to sanitize classrooms and high touch points have also been put in place.   Thanks for all your efforts to keep our students safe, healthy, and in school.
BIG SMILES DENTAL CLINIC – Sept. 30.  Has your child seen a dentist in the past 6 months?  If not, you can request care either by sending the paper form back with your student or signing up online at this link:

FREE WIFI through Canyons District and Comcast’s Internet Essentials.  If you need WiFi internet, please contact Mrs. McCall 801 826 8406.  More information at this link:  CSD Free WiFi information 
CHROMEBOOKS still available for families to keep.  

SUPERINTENDENT DR. ROBINS’ Listening Tour.  This is an opportunity for you to let him know what you would like to see in our school community, to offer suggestions, voice concerns or give compliments.  Questions and comments can be submitted in advance or during the events at canyonsdistrict.org/voice. Just choose “Superintendent’s Listening Tour” from the dropdown list found on the submission form. 

  • Midvale Middle, Wed. Sept. 8 from 6:30-8:00 pm (Spanish Interpreters available) – 7852 S. Pioneer St., Midvale
  • Eastmont Middle, Mon. Sept. 13 from  6:30-8:00 pm (Spanish Interpreters available) – 10100 S. 1300 East, Sandy

Sept. 22-23 Parent Teacher conferences.  They will be held virtually again this year.  Look for sign up information from your child’s teacher coming soon.
Sept. 22 – PTA SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR in media center at East Midvale.