6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Parent Update Week of Sept. 13-17, 2021

THANK YOU Jacobsen Construction and United Way of Salt Lake for your Day of Caring at East Midvale. The new mural and information kiosk at the front of the school will be completed mid October.  The ga ga pits were repainted and re-installed, the entrance door to the community garden was re-done, the garden cleaned up and a new path was put in place to  the red hallway.

CHIP – Children’s Health Insurance Program.   Do you need help applying or have questions?  Rebecca Vazquez, the CSD representative,  is happy to help and you can call her at 801-826-7272.  She will be at East Midvale on  Wed. Sept. 22 for in person appointments.  CHIP covers dental, well child exams, immunizations, prescriptions, and many other services.

2nd Step Social Emotional Tips of the week will begin again on Monday September 20.  Look for parent square post.

SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR Sept. 21 / 22 –  run by parent volunteers  in media center at East Midvale. Hours to be announced.

NO AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAM Wed. Sept 22 through Fri. Sept 24.

PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES Sept. 22-23   They will be held virtually again this year.  Look for sign up information from your child’s teacher this week.

NO SCHOOL Sept. 24 Friday