6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Parent Update Week of October 31-November 4, 2022

HALLOWEEN was Friday at East Midvale!  What a fun day for all.  See post on 10.28.22 for pictures!  Thank you to Jacobsen Construction for creating the Haunted Pumpkin Patch and collecting costumes for students.   Wishing all our students and families a safe and spooky Halloween!  Please no costumes on Monday at school.

STUDENT OF THE MONTH assembly for Ownership will be tomorrow Monday.  Please remind students to wear SOAR t-shirts!  PTA Reflection contest winners will also be announced.

THANKSGIVING FOOD:  If you would like to receive a full box of Thanksgiving foods including a frozen turkey, potatoes, other vegetables and fruit, delivered on Saturday November 19, please fill out a form in the front office or fill out the Parent Square form sent on Wed. Oct. 26.

THE LAST TUESDAY 2022 PRODUCE MARKET is from 2:25 pm to 2:50 pm.   Fresh produce at no cost to our school families.  Thank you Zions Bank and Food for All.

MOBILE FOOD PANTRY:  Tuesday November 8 at 2:45 pm.   Any family can participate.  There is one 20 pound bag per family of mostly non-perishable items.  Please plan to either pick up your student or meet them at the bus to help carry the food bag.   Provided by the Utah Food Bank and sponsored by Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield.


  • Nov. 9 – All Pro Dads Breakfast Meeting – Thankfulness
  • Nov. 11 – Veterans Day Assembly
  • Nov. 11 – Parent Volunteer Meeting hosted by PTA at 2:00 pm- Zoom
  • Nov. 16 – Unity Day at East Midvale – wear SOAR spirit wear
  • Nov. 18 – Turkey Trot

FREE EVENT and VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY with Midvale City – On Saturday October 29 from Noon to 5:00 pm at Midvale’s Historic Main Street (6th Avenue to Center St.)  Help contribute to the walkability of our city by painting crosswalks.  Live murals.  Trick or treating.  Food trucks.  Live entertainment and carnival games.