6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Parent Update Week of Oct. 4-9, 2021

CONGRATULATIONS  to our students of the month for self management.  Congratulations teacher of the month Ms. Bailey who has been doing long term substitute teaching for Ms. Gillis in 1st grade and staff of the month Ms. Valerie Payne our school social worker!

MOBILE FOOD PANTRY is Tuesday October 5, 2021 .  Please plan to meet your student at the school or at the bus stop to help carry the heavy food bag.

THANK YOU Bruno at Boroughs Barbershop for providing free haircuts to students in our After School Program.

ALL PRO DADS – Oct. 13 at 7:30 am!  Kick off event for our new program for fathers, father figures and their students at East Midvale.  Breakfast will be provided along with a focus topic (consistency) of the month led by Mr. Greg Platner, a 4th grade teacher at EME.

MOBILE MEDICAL CLINIC at East Midvale Elementary on Wednesday Oct. 13.  Utah Partners for Health provide services for parents and students with Medicaid, Medicare or uninsured.  Please call 385-204-6257 for an appointment.

PTA REFLECTION contest entries – due to classroom teacher on Wednesday October 13.  Entry forms given to students in Art Brain boosters and also available in front office.

EMERGENCY RENT RELIEF – visit our website for information Emergency Rent Relief

FALL PICTURE DAY is Thursday October 21, 2021.  LifeTouch order forms will be sent home  in Thursday folders.

SAVE THE DATE:  Friday October 29 Halloween Parade is back!  9:00 am.  Register

SAVE THE DATE:  Friday October 29 – Boo to the Flu Clinic 8:00-11:00 am.