6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Parent Update Week of Oct. 26-30, 2020

Red Ribbon Week and Unity Day were a great success!

These 2nd grade Eagles SOAR!

Monday Oct. 26 – Picture make-up day.  If your student missed the first picture day, please send them Monday ready to smile!  Online students are welcomed to come for pictures between 8:00-Noon.

Tuesday Oct. 27 – Zupa’s spirit night.  A portion of the proceeds from sales that night will go to the EME PTA. 

Thurs. Oct. 29 – HALLOWEEN at EME 2020 – Students are invited to come to school in costume but we will not be having a Halloween parade.  Teachers will have fun Halloween activities and a party with treats planned.  Please do not send any treats or snacks from home because of COVID precautions.  Enjoy a video of Halloween at EME – link will be sent via Parent Square and posted on our social media and website!  Also, each student will come home Thursday with a game to teach their parent and sibling to play!  Make sure to ask to see it!

Fri. Oct. 30 – Boo to the Flu clinic is at East Midvale from 8:00 to 11:00 am.  This is a no-charge clinic!  Bring the family.  If you have insurance, bring your card.  If uninsured there will not be a fee.

Fri. Oct. 30 FOOD boxes at East Midvale and Canyons Crossing from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm.  Drive through and pick up a box of fresh food (potatoes, carrots, apples, butter, liquid eggs, cheese, milk and meat).

2nd Step Social Emotional Learning Tip of the Week!

Kinder-2nd are learning about self-talk. Self-talk means talking to yourself in a quiet voice or inside your head. Self-talk helps you focus and maintain attention. 

3rd graders are learning about being assertive. Being assertive means asking for what you want or need in a calm and firm voice. Being assertive is a respectful way to get what you want or need. 

4th-5th graders are continuing to learn about bullying prevention. Bystanders have a responsibility to help stop bullying. Bystanders can choose to either help stop bullying or become part of the bullying problem.