6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Parent Update Week of Oct. 23-27, 2023


DOJO POINTS EARNED!   Congratulations EME Eagles for earning over 200,000 Dojo points school wide.  The reward was a lunchtime visit from Princess Pua on her pink unicorn and Captain Crunch (aka Ms. Pua and Mr. Nelson).

RED RIBBON WEEK is this week Oct. 24-27!  PTA theme for 2023 is “Be Kind to Your Mind.  Live Drug Free”.  Each day this week is a spirit day.

  • Tuesday – “Lei off drugs!”  Wear a lei from the P.T.A.! (lei provided)
  • Wednesday – “Use your head. Think and be drug free.” – Wear a hat.
  • Thursday – “Achieve your dreams by living drug free.” – Students can wear Pajamas or comfy clothes.
  • Friday – “Good decisions build character.”  – Come in character (wear costume) for the Halloween Parade and parties!

PTA REFLECTIONS CONTEST ENTRIES due Tuesday October 24:  Students should bring projects to teachers and projects will be collected and judged.  Participation forms are done online.  Winners announced on Oct. 30 at the SOTM assembly.

FINAL FRESH PRODUCE MARKET is Tuesday Oct. 24 at 2:30 pm.   Parents can pick up a bag of fresh produce while supplies last.  Thank you Rancho Markets and community funders for this resource.  University of Utah’s Center for Nutrition will be measuring with the veggie meter!  See if your school has gone up by eating more fruits and vegetables!

SAY BOO to the FLU:  Our annual flu shot clinic will be on Friday October 27 from 8:00-11:00 am in the cafeteria.  No cost flu shots for the whole family available.  Thank you to CNS (Community Nursing Services).

HALLOWEEN PARADE FRIDAY OCT. 27 at 9:15 am:  Parade begins at 9:15 am and will exit the school through the community garden on south side of school.  Parents and friends are invited to line the route on the south and west side of the school.  Bring your own chair.   Classroom parties will also take place on Friday Oct. 27.

COSTUMES FOR THE HALLOWEEN PARADE AND PARTIES:  Students may wear costumes to school Friday under school guidelines. No masks or face paint that hides the students identity, no weapons or facsimiles of weapons, no blood or gore.  Please do not send your student to school in costume on October 31.

THANKSGIVING MEALS – Again this year, Thanksgiving Heroes is providing a box of uncooked items to make a Thanksgiving meal – a frozen turkey, potatoes, vegetable, etc.  The food box is delivered on Saturday November 18.  If you have the facilities to prepare the meal, will be at the address provided on the delivery date and would like to request the meal, please fill out an application.  Applications are available in the front office and the deadline to submit is November 10.

BIG SMILES DENTAL CLINIC – The dentist is coming to East Midvale on November 6 and 7.  If you would like your child to receive a dental exam, cleaning and restorative care if needed, please return dental form or  sign up online using this link:  www.MySchoolDentist.com.  For the form to be accepted it needs to be completely filled out with your insurance information, CHIP or Medicaid number or noted if you request grant funded care.

FREE MENTAL HEALTH SCREENINGS:  Canyons School District is sponsoring free mental health consultations for students, ages 10-18, and their parents. Families are welcome to register for any date and location that fits their schedule. Upon registration, you will receive a confirmation of your scheduled appointment. At the event, parents will sign a consent and complete a questionnaire, and students will be asked to complete a screening tool. During the consultations, licensed counselors will discuss available resources to meet your child’s needs. Register here: https://calendly.com/csd-mental-health-screening

FREE WIFI INTERNET – Canyons District continues to provide free internet for families through Comcast Internet Essentials.  To enroll, reply to this post or call Mrs. McCall at East Midvale at 801 826 8406.  Ask for a Comcast Code.  Then call Comcast at 1-844-963 0178 with the code.