6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Parent Update Week of Oct. 19-23, 2020

It’s Red Ribbon Week!  Unite with our school and community against drugs and bullying  

  • Monday – Rally in Red against drugs – WEAR RED
  • Tuesday – Use your head – don’t do drugs – CRAZY HAIR DAY
  • Wednesday – Unity Day!  WEAR yellow SOAR t-shirt to show school unity and crazy socks to “sock it” to drugs and bullying..  
  • Thursday – Follow your dreams – don’t do drugs.  WEAR PAJAMAS!
  • Friday – Independent learning day. No in person or online teaching.  Work packets and other learning tools provided.   On Thursdays, students will be sent home with a lunch and breakfast sack for Friday.

Lifetouch Picture make-up day is Monday October 26 . 

Zupa’s spirit night is Tuesday October 27.  A portion of the proceeds from sales that night will go to the EME PTA.  

HALLOWEEN at EME 2020 – EME will not be having a Halloween parade this year but students are invited to come in costume to school on Thurs. Oct. 29.  Teachers will have fun Halloween activities and a party planned.  Student teachers from SUU will be in each classroom all week and able to help on that day.  Because of COVID precautions, we will not be able to accept any treats or snacks sent from home.  A video of students in costume will be created and sent out to parents to enjoy!

Boo to the Flu clinic is at East Midvale from 8:00 to 11:00 am on Friday October 30.  This is a no-charge clinic!  

FOOD boxes at East Midvale and Canyons Crossing on Friday October 30 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm.  Drive through and pick up a box of fresh food (potatoes, carrots, apples, butter, cheese, milk and meat).
Click here for flyer

2nd Step – Social Emotional Learning Tips of the Week are reaffirming last week’s lessons!

Kinder – 1st grade – Recognizing Bullying is the first step in getting it to stop.   These are clues that help you recognize bullying:

  1.  It happens on purpose.
  2.  It keeps happening.
  3.  It’s unfair and one-sided. 
  4. You haven’t been able to make it stop.

2nd-5th – Reporting Bullying –  Caring adults can help keep children safe from bullying. When children practice reporting details about their day, they use the same skills needed to report bullying.