6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Parent Update Week of Oct. 18-22, 2021

PTA REFLECTION contest entries due to classroom teachers on Wednesday October 20.

FALL PICTURE DAY is Thursday October 21, 2021. Bell Photographer order forms have been sent home in Thursday folders.  You can also order online at www.bellphoto.com with our school code:  21eastmidvale

HALLOWEEN PARADE and PARTIES:  Friday October 29.  Plan to attend or to volunteer.  Volunteer registration required each year.  Follow this link  Volunteer Registration Link

BOO TO THE FLU:  Friday October 29 – Free Flu shot Clinic 8:00-11:00 am.

LISTEN TO AN AUDIO BOOK or read a digital book on SORA.  It’s available for free to all our students.  SORA is a digital library you can access on a Chromebook or computer at this link:  https://soraapp.com/welcome/login/202885.  Or by downloading the Sora app on Ipads and phones.  Our school district’s name on Sora is canyonsut.  Your student will use the following information to sign in.
“Username” is your student’s Student Access Login from school  ex:  sgma7233
“Password” is your Student’s Access Password from school ex:  doorbuzz4

ALL PRO DADS October meeting was a success!  Over 90 fathers and their children attended.  Thank you!  Next meeting is Wednesday November 10 at 7:30 am.  The topic is Patience!