6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Parent Update Week of November 7-11, 2022

CONGRATULATIONS Ms. Riley Howell!  Ms. Riley was awarded an Innovation Grant from the Canyons Foundation!  She and her 4th grade class will be raising trout in the classrooms this year!  What a cool idea!

MOBILE FOOD PANTRY:  Tuesday November 8 at 2:45 pm.   Any family can participate.  There is one 20 pound bag per family of mostly non-perishable items.  Please plan to either pick up your student or meet them at the bus to help carry the food bag.   Provided by the Utah Food Bank and sponsored by Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield. 

ALL PRO DADS – Join Mr. Platner, other fathers and students on Wednesday November 9 at 7:30 am sharp.  The focus topic is Thankfulness.  Breakfast provided.   Please RSVP on Parent Square post on 11/3/22 so we can plan accordingly.  

HILLCREST WELLNESS FAIR:  You are invited to come this Thursday November 10 from 5:00-8:00 pm at the Hillcrest High Commons (7350 South 900 East).  Community health resources, flu vaccines, health screenings, free haircuts, prizes, cooking demos, and more!   Dinner starting at 6 pm brought to you by Raising Cane’s!  See attached flyer in multiple languages.

PARENT VOLUNTEER MEETING – Friday November 11 there will be a Parent Volunteer Meeting via Zoom at 2:00 pm.  Learn about upcoming needs and opportunities to volunteer at the school.  Thank you to all who have volunteered with our school thus far this year!

VETERAN’S DAY – East Midvale will be recognizing Veterans Day during an assembly on Friday November 11.  If any of our students have parents, grandparents or other members of the family who are active service or veterans, we would like to invite them to our assembly.  Please contact Mrs. McCall for details 801 826 8406.


  • Nov. 16 – Unity Day at East Midvale – wear SOAR spirit wear

  • Nov. 17 – Bell Photo School Picture Retakes

  • Nov. 17 – Report Cards go home in Thursday folders

  • Nov. 18 – Turkey Trot

  • Nov. 23-25 – Thanksgiving Recess – no school

VIVINT GIVES BACK is back for 2022 Holiday giving.  All students at East Midvale will be gifted Santa bags before the winter break.  More details to follow.

READ 20 MINUTES A DAY and get an Adventure pass for free!  PBS is sponsoring a November Reading Marathon and if your child PK to 5th grade reads 20 minutes each day and turns in the reading log, they can get a free Adventure pass to local attractions and museums.  Read more on this link:  PBS November Reading Marathon!