6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Parent Update Week of Nov. 9-13, 2020

Uncooked Thanksgiving Dinner Delivered!  Sign up for a box of all the Thanksgiving favorites including a turkey to cook for the holiday.  Applications are due by Wed Nov. 18.  Food will be delivered on Sat. Nov. 21 to your home.  Provided by Thanksgiving Heroes!  Pick up applications in the front office or call the front office to complete application.

Cooked Thanksgiving Meals Delivered!  Sign up for individual Thanksgiving meals delivered on Thursday Nov. 26.  Provided by Teachers for Hope.  Pick up applications in the front office or call the front office to complete application.

Vivint Gives Back to East Midvale again this year!  Vivint is providing Sub for Santa bags for every child at East Midvale. Applications will be filled out with students at school between Nov. 11-20.  If you have questions, input or would like to opt out, please contact Shelley McCall, Community School Facilitator.  Students will receive these bags on Thurs. Dec. 17 during school hours.

Notification to East Midvale parents of TSI status.  Please see attached letter.  Paper copies available in the front office and upon request.
Click here to read TSI Letter

East Midvale School Community Council virtual meeting is Tuesday Nov. 10th at 5:15.  Use this code to join:  meet.google.com/tdh-nawk-vme

Big Smiles Dental Clinic -Forms will go with students.  Please fill out and send back to school with your student.  The clinic is not until January 28, 2021.  Students will be seen for preventative care – cleaning and cavity check.  Please fill out form completely.

2nd Step Tip of the Week – All students are learning about feelings!

  • There are many different feelings – for ex: happy, sad, jealous, surprised, disgusted, angry.  Whether comfortable or uncomfortable, feelings are natural.
  • Students will work towards identifying what they are feeling – putting a name to the feeling.  
  • After that, recognizing that others have feelings too is important. We focus on someone’s face, eyes, body language and we pay attention to the situation for clues about how that person is feeling.  

Practice at Home: Identify and name feelings with your child by using physical clues.  For example: Your child is getting upset when you say it is time for bed. Say, “I can see by the way your mouth is turned down and by your droopy eyes that you are feeling disappointed that it’s time to stop playing and go to bed. Am I right – is that how you are feeling?”