6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Parent Update Week of Nov. 8-15, 2021

ALL PRO DADS meeting on Wednesday November 10 at 7:30 am.  The topic will be patience.  Breakfast provided. Event is for fathers, father figures and their EME students.  Please RSVP on the Parent Square post.

COVID Vaccine Clinic for anyone 5 and older at East Midvale Elementary!

  • Thursday Nov. 11 from 3:00-7:00 pm for first dose.
  • Thursday December 2 for second dose!

PTA MEETING (Parent Teacher Association)  on Friday November 12  via Zoom at noon


  • UNCOOKED Thanksgiving meal including a frozen turkey. Delivery on Saturday November 20 – provided through Thanksgiving Heroes.
  • COOKED individual meals delivered on Thanksgiving Thursday November 25 – provided through Teachers for Hope.

THE TURKEY TROT – a favorite seasonal activity at East Midvale will be held on Tuesday November 23 in the morning.  Parents are invited to come and cheer on students.

NO SCHOOL Wednesday November 24-Friday November 26 for Thanksgiving break.

VIVINT GIVES BACK – East Midvale is again a grateful recipient of Vivint Gives Back generosity this season.  Teachers will be doing applications in class this week using parent input forms.