6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Parent Update Week of Nov. 2-6, 2020

Parents and guardians – Here are the happenings this week at East Midvale Elementary. 

Nov. 1-8 – Do you want to change your learning option from online to in-person or vice versa?  The window is open this week to do that.  Submit change requests online using the same Skyward Family Access portal used to register for school at the beginning of the year.  Three ways to do this:

  1. Simply log in to Skyward, click on the “online forms” button on the right side of page, select “Term 2 Change-Request Form,” and follow the prompts. See THIS TUTORIAL for detailed instructions.  Visit this post for detailed information Changing Learning Option
  2. Contact your teacher and all the front office at 801 826 8350.
  3. Come to school for in-person assistance on Fri. Nov. 6 between 9:30-12:30 pm.   Spanish and Arabic translators will be available.

Mon. Nov. 2 – Student of the month for self management will be announced!  

  • SOAR store open this week.  Ask your student how many Dojo points they have earned and why.
  • November SOAR focus is OWNERSHIP!

Tues. Nov. 3 – Mobile Food Pantry at East Midvale at 2:45 pm.

Wed. Nov. 4 – English classes for parents learning to speak English.  Classes are held at East Midvale in the Family Learning Center portable on the west side of school.  New students welcomed!

Preschool Openings!  Do you have a 4 year old (as of Sept. 1, 2020) at home?  East Midvale has an amazing preschool program and currently there are openings for new students!  This program is open to all families at no charge.  Morning (8:20-11:00 am) and afternoon (12:15-2:45 pm).  Transportation is a parent’s responsibility.  
Vivint Gives Back to East Midvale again this year! Vivint is providing Sub for Santa bags for every child at East Midvale. More information and application details to come this week.

2nd Step – Social Emotional Learning Tip of the Week 

Kinder to 2nd grades – Being Assertive is a great way for students to show ownership in their learning.   Being Assertive means to:
1. Face the person you’re talking to
2.  Keep your head up and shoulders back.
3. Use a calm, firm voice.
4. Use respectful words.

3rd – 5th grades – Making a plan to complete work or meet a goal can help students to better learners and to earn more Dojo points for showing ownership in the classroom. A plan is good if …
1.  The order makes sense
2.  it’s simple,
3.  And you can do it.