6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Parent Update Week of Nov. 16-20, 2020

Turkey Trot 2020 – Nov. 19, 23 & 24.  Prizes awarded to grade level winners on Tues. Nov. 24.  Due to COVID precautions, we cannot have parents attend and there are only limited volunteers.  Pictures will be taken and shared with the community.  Thank you to Zions Bank for sponsoring 1st and 2nd place prizes!  


  • Uncooked Thanksgiving Dinner Delivered Sat. Nov. 21!  Applications are due this Wed Nov. 18.   If interested, call the front office 801 826 8350.
  • Individual Cooked Thanksgiving Meals Delivered Thurs. Nov. 26!    If interested, call the front office 801 826 8350 to fill out application.
  • Sub for Santa for every student!  Vivint Gives Back to East Midvale again this year!  Applications are being filled out with students this week.  All online students received the application link to fill out.  If you have questions, input or would like to opt out, please contact Shelley McCall, Community School Facilitator.   

No school Wed. Nov. 25 – Fri. Nov. 27. –Thanksgiving Break!

Big Smiles Dental Clinic – Clinic is January 28, 2021.  Students will be seen for preventative care – cleaning and cavity check.  Please fill out form that was sent home completely.

School Report Card:  Click here for EME School Report Card

The second semester begins Monday Nov. 23.  If you have switched your learning option for the semester, the change takes effect on that day.

Congratulations to PTA Reflections Contest Winners!

2nd Step Social Emotional Learning Tip of the Week!

K-2nd graders continue to learn about feelings – their own and others (interested, surprised, afraid and scared).    At home continue to identify and name feelings with your child by using physical clues like last week.

1st graders are learning about reporting bullying. Ask your child, “what should you do when bullying happens to you or to someone else?” Second Step answer: Report it to a caring adult. 

3rd graders are learning about perspectives. People can have different feelings about the same situation, and their feelings can change. Empathy is feeling or understanding what someone else is feeling. Thinking about others’ perspectives helps you have empathy for them.  Practice at home:

  1.  Model acknowledging same and different feelings and perspectives.  
  2.  Remind your child to think about how others’ perspectives might be different from theirs.
  3.  Have your child REFLECT on times others had different feelings or feelings changed.

4th and 5th grade are learning about how to be a prevent Cyber Bullying.  Practice at home: 

  1. NOTICE when students show respectful behavior online. 
  2. REINFORCE the behavior with specific feedback: Hannah, I saw you posted a helpful note on the class blog. Helping other students online is respectful and responsible.
  3. MODEL positive and respectful online communication.
  4. Remind students to be respectful when communicating online. Have students REFLECT on a time when they communicated respectfully online.