6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Parent Update Week of May 3-7, 2021

TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK is this week May 3-7!  Our EME teachers work so hard to ensure every student learns, grows, feels supported, nurtured and safe!  This is the week you can let them know how appreciated they are!

CONGRATULATIONS Students of the Month for Ownership (see website for photos) and Teacher/Staff of the Month Ms. Melissa Porter and Ms. Natalie Varriano!

MOBILE FOOD PANTRY is on Tuesday May 4.  If your student is new to East Midvale and you would like a pantry bag, please call the front office to put them on a list.

AT HOME LEARNING DAYS:  Friday May 7, 14, 21.


  • KINDERGARTEN 20-21 – Last day is Thursday May 20.  Kindergarten exit testing (KEEP) is the following week May 24-May 26.  Please make an appointment to test.
  • PRESCHOOL – Tuesday May 25
  • 1st-5th GRADES – Thursday May 27 – early release at 12:15 pm.

NOTE:  THE SANDY CLUB SUMMER PROGRAM*corrected phone number* This is a 9 week program for children aged 6-12.  Dates are June 7-Aug 5, 2021.  Runs Mon-Thurs. 11 am to 4 pm.  $30 one time enrollment fee per child.   Lunch & afternoon snack provided.  Registration begins April 26.  Visit thesandyclub.org or call 801-561-4854.

2nd STEP Social Emotional Learning tip:

Practice PROBLEM SOLVING skills with your student using the S.T.E.P. acronym.  

Parent Script Tip: “I noticed you listening to everyone’s opinion, then using Rock, Paper, Scissors to decide who goes first. That’s a fair way to play!”

S – Say the Problem

T – Think of Safe solutions.

E – Explore Consequences

P – Pick the Best Solution