6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Parent Update Week of May 15-19, 2023


TEACHERS SAY THANK YOU for all the appreciations you showered on them  last week.  Thank you PTA for the fun Air Dropped treats, luncheon and gift.

DOJO POINT REWARD ASSEMBLIES – Next week, students will be rewarded with black light parties for achieving dojo point levels.  The Masked Singer assembly and Mad Science were such fun!   Congratulations Eagles!!

FRESH PRODUCE MARKET is Tuesday at 2:30 pm.  Parents can pick up a bag of fresh fruit and vegetables at no cost to our school families.  First come first served.  Thank you to Rancho Markets for the beautiful produce that we are able to purchase using funding from NBA Cares, First Utah Bank and Zions Bank.

FRI MAY 19 at 8:20 AM PARENT NUTRITION CLASSES – Final class in this series is  Healthy Homes. (NOTE:  Time change to accommodate parents attending Kindergarten Goodbye). Presenters will discuss how to make your home a place where making healthy eating choices are easy to make.  They will also discuss how to talk to your children about weight and body image.  Interpreters in Spanish, Dari and Arabic available.

FRI MAY 19 at 9:30 am – KINDERGARTEN GOOD-BYE & Student of the Month Parents and families are invited to celebrate this first year of elementary school and all that was learned!  Students may be checked out after the event through the front office.  Remember you will need to show your ID to sign them out.

FRI MAY 19 2:00-4:00 pm – RETIREMENT OPEN HOUSE FOR MS. CALDWELL  – East Midvale is hosting an open house in the library to honor Ms. Caldwell for all the years she has served at East Midvale and all the students she has nurtured and taught.  We welcome parents and former students to come by to wish her well.


  • Mon May 22  
    • Classroom Clean up day
    • Last Day Kindergarten
    • Last Day of Afterschool Program
  • Tues May 23 –  
    • Preschool Water Party
    • 5th grade year end celebration party 1:30-2:30 pm (volunteers needed)
  • Wed May 24 – 
    • Awards & SOTM Assembly 9:00 am – 3rd, 4th and 5th grades
    • Awards & SOTM  Assembly 10:30 am – 1st and 2nd grades
    • AM and PM Preschool Graduation in Library
  • Thurs May 25 – All School Field Days (look for volunteer sign up)
  • Fri May 26 – Last Day of School
    • Softball game 5th grade v. faculty ~ 9:00 am
    • Dance Party ~ 10:15 am
    • Early Dismissal at 12:10 pm (no lunch)

SUMMER MEALS –  East Midvale Elementary is one of four sites in Canyons District that will provide FREE breakfast and lunch for any child 18 years and under this summer.  This service is from June 5-July 28 Monday through Friday.  Breakfast served  8:30-9:30 am and lunch served 11:30-12:30 pm.  CSD Summer Meal Information

HEALTH INSURANCE – Families on Medicaid need to re-apply – have you?  Do you need help to do so?  Are you uninsured and need help finding insurance for your kids and family?  Take Care Utah can answer questions and help you sign up for free!  Call 801-433-2299.

The past week in pictures!

Thank you Mr. Platner for leading All Pro Dads meetings all year!

Appreciation for Nurse Amy Clegg on School Nurse Appreciation Day!

Fourth Grade team of teachers enjoying the PTA Luncheon from Costa Vida!

PTA member Lauren Graves doing a Tuesday airdrop to teachers that included a fun mug and “in flight beverage”.   Thursday was the “in flight snack bag”.  

Parent class on Healthy Movement class was on Friday and hosted by University of Utah’s Center for Nutrition.  Maddie and Hannah offered great advice on ways to get your children moving and developing strength. Coach K, our amazing gym brain booster teacher also talked about simple skills to play with your students like kicking a ball.  It develops coordination and balance.

Masked Singer Assembly!

Parent class on Healthy Movement class was on Friday and hosted by University of Utah’s Center for Nutrition.  Maddie and Hannah offered great advice on ways to get your children moving and developing strength. Coach K, our amazing gym brain booster teacher also talked about simple skills to play with your students like kicking a ball.  It develops coordination and balance.