6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Parent Update Week of March 6-10, 2023

LAST WEEK was packed with extra activities and family engagement opportunities.  Thank you for attending conferences and working with teachers to best support your student’s learning.  Go to recent post on website to see pictures of all the fun  activities that filled Read Across America Week.  Thank you to EME PTA for hosting parents and pastries as well as the teacher meal on Wednesday PTC night.  Thank you to UWSL for 550 Dragons Love Tacos books and for volunteers with CHG, American Express and Enterprise for reading them.

NO STUDENT DAY MONDAY MARCH 6 – AT HOME LEARNING!  Teacher office hours are from 10-12 pm.

MOBILE FOOD PANTRY:  Tuesday March 7 at 2:45 pm.   Any family can participate.  There is one 20 pound bag per family of mostly non-perishable items.  Please plan to either pick up your student or meet them at the bus to help carry the food bag.   Provided by the Utah Food Bank and sponsored by Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield.

ALL PRO DADS – You don’t want to miss out on this morning event with Mr. Platner.  Come Wednesday March 8 at 7:30 am.  The focus topic is perseverance.  Hot yummy breakfast provided.   RSVP on Parent Square post on 3/6/23 or message Ms. McCall so we can plan accordingly.

MOBILE VISION and MEDICAL CLINICS at East Midvale on Tuesday March 21.   Nurse Clegg will vision screen any new students and students struggling to see in the classroom.  Permission forms will be sent home for students to be seen at the vision clinic.  If you have a concern about vision, please contact Nurse Clegg.

CAYCI SURVEY –  Please provide your feedback about our community school by filling out this survey.  The parent survey will be sent home on Thursday March 9 with the oldest or only child at EME.  One survey per family per school.  (If you have students at Midvale Middle or Hillcrest, you will also receive a survey for that school).  Return EME surveys by March 24 and each sibling at EME gets a treat and the family will be entered into a drawing for prizes including an Ipad!  Third, fourth and fifth grade students will take the student survey in Computer Lab over the next 2 weeks.

KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION 2023-2024 – If you have a child who will be 5 on or before September 1, 2023, they qualify for kindergarten.  Please register now so we can get an accurate count of our upcoming class!  Orientation for new students will be Tuesday April 18 from 5:00-6:00 pm at EME.

VOLUNTEER REGISTRATION -If you would like to volunteer on a grade level field trip or at some of the spring school events,  please make sure to register as a volunteer at least 48 hours before the event.  REGISTER TO VOLUNTEER

5TH GRADE MATURATION PROGRAMS in March.  Follow this link for dates and locations CSD Maturation Program


  • Mobile Food Pantry March 29 WEDNESDAY
  • Spring Break April 3-6
  • Kindergarten Orientation April 18 5:00-6:00 pm
  • Career Day April 21