6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Parent Update week of March 29-April 2, 2021

FOOD DISTRIBUTION – Tuesday March 30 and Thursday April 1 at East Midvale.  Non-perishables and fresh fruit vegetables on Tuesday, cereal and a gallon of milk on Thursday.

CAYCI PARENT SURVEYS – please return with your student before spring break.  Thank you for your time.  This information helps our community school meet the needs of our community!

SPRING BREAK April 5-9.  No school.  

GET YOUR COVID-19 VACCINE – If you are 16 years and older, you can make an appointment to get a vaccine.  Use these websites to make appointment:  Remember you can ride UTA for free with an appointment confirmation.

RENT RELIEF – The emergency rental assistance program can help renters who are unable to pay their rent and utilities due to COVID-19 related circumstances.  Apply now at https://jobs.utah.gov/housing/rent-relief/

REACH OUT to SMR (Stabilization and Mobile Response) through Primary Children’s Hospital to ask questions and get support for yourself and your children.  SMR will work with you and your family to create a plan that fits your needs.  SMR services are free.  Call 1-833-SAFE-FAM (723-3326 anytime).   More information can be found at https://hs.utah.gov/smr

APRIL 2021 calendar

2nd Step Social Emotional Learning Tip of the Week

Students are learning PROBLEM SOLVING skills.  Lessons use the acronym S.T.E.P. to help students remember the skills.

FIRST STEP – calm down and say the problem without blaming others.
SECOND STEP – Think of safe solutions. Come up with safe and respectful ideas to solve the problem.

Notice when your child thinks of solutions to their problems.  Reinforce this with specific feedback!

Parent Script Tip:  “I see that you both wanted to play with the ball and you have thought of a solution to take turns playing with the ball. This is a safe and respectful solution.”

Look for the rest of the Problem Solving Steps over the next weeks in the 2nd Step Tip of the Week!

  • S – Say the Problem
  • E –
  • P –