6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Parent Update Week of March 27-31, 2023

Lots happened last week at East Midvale!

Thank you to Utah Partners for Health for bringing you Mobile Vision and Medical Clinic to serve our community.

Great job Ms. Mazzella’s 3rd grade class for meeting your math goals – celebrating with cake!

Our fifth graders loved the Junior Achievement Biztown field trip. All the students arrived knowing the job had, the company they worked for and how to earn and spend money and how to keep track of it in their checkbooks.  Great job!  Thank you to all the parents who volunteered to help!  It takes a village to run Biztown!

CAYCI SURVEY – Our parent survey return rate is 58% thus far and the goal is 100%!  So the window to return surveys will stay open until Friday March 31.  Students returning surveys this week will still receive a laffy taffy treat.  Thank you for your time in sharing your voice.

MOBILE FOOD PANTRY is .Wednesday March 29 at 2:45 pm (**note different day of the week).  Please plan to either pick up your student or meet them at the bus stop to help carry the 20lb bag of food.  All students receiving food bags on Wednesday will also receive a Haley’s Happy bag with cereal and milk on Friday March 31.  Extras available.

SPRING BREAK FOOD BAGS – If you would like to pick up a bag of non-perishable food for spring break, please sign up on the attached form.  RSVP for just 1 family.  Supplies limited.

NEED HELP WITH YOUR UTILITY BILLS?  The HEAT program through Utah Community Action can help.  Come to Midvale Elementary on Thursday March 30 between 8:30 and 12:30 pm.  See attached flyer.

SPRING BREAK is April 3-7.   No school that week.


  • Spring Picture Day Monday Apr 17, 2023
  • Kindergarten Orientation April 18 5:00-6:00 pm
  • Career Day April 21 – Looking for volunteers to share their careers!
  • Fun Run – April 28