6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Parent Update Week of March 22-26, 2021

CSD BOARD UPDATE:  FRIDAY AT HOME LEARNING DAYS will continue through the end of the 20-21 school year.  Masks will continue to be required in schools through the end of the 20-21 school year.

CAYCI SURVEY administration this month!  Please take time and thought to complete this survey.  Students returning surveys by March 25 will get a fun prize for each sibling at EME and be entered into a drawing!

FOOD DISTRIBUTION – Tuesday March 30 and Thursday April 1 at East Midvale.  Non-perishables and fresh fruit vegetables on Tuesday, cereal and a gallon of milk on Thursday.

SPRING BREAK April 5-9.  No school.

SOY DE WALL – Pictures have been taken of participating students.  Posters are being created and shortly will be framed and hung!  Thank you Salt Lake Community College for your partnership on project!

WELCOME to our new Family Learning Center Director Claudia Flores.  English classes for parents are Thursday nights 5:00-6:30 pm.  For more information call Ms. Flores at 801-860-6301!

DOES YOUR CHILD NEED SUPPORT and you don’t know who to call. SMR (Stabilization and Mobile Response) is a service through Primary Children’s Hospital.  It doesn’t have to be a BIG or crisis issue.  It could be refusal to do homework, trouble at school, tantrums, running away, drug use, suicidal, bullying or not getting along with siblings.  SMR will work with you and your family to create a plan that fits your needs.  SMR services are free.  Call 1-833-SAFE-FAM (723-3326 anytime 24/7.   More information can be found at https://hs.utah.gov/smr

KINDERGARTEN and PRESCHOOL REGISTRATION happening now!  Contact EME front office at 801-826-8350.  Register for Kindergarten by April 23 and receive a fun take home learning packet!

2nd Step Social Emotional learning Tip of the Week

Starting this week, students will be learning PROBLEM SOLVING skills.  Lessons will use the acronym S.T.E.P. to help students remember the skills.

FIRST STEP – calm down and say the problem without blaming others. 

Look for times this week that your child is able to first use the calm down tools and say the problem without blame.  Reinforce this with specific feedback!

Parent Script Tip:  “I saw you calm down and say that the problem is you both need to use the computer at the same time.”

Look for the rest of the Problem Solving Steps over the next weeks in the 2nd Step Tip of the Week!

  • S – Say the Problem
  • T –
  • E –
  • P –