DAYLIGHT SAVING happened this weekend. Did you “spring forward” and turn your clock forward one hour last night?
REPORT CARDS were sent home last week. Look in Thursday folders or in mail on Monday, Mar 15. Last trimester of this school year starts tomorrow Monday!
DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP VIDEOS: Feel free to view this with your children to discuss how to be a good citizen online.
SPRING CONSTRUCTION: Replacement of the PK-1st playground is happening on south side of the school. Completion is expected this spring.
CAYCI SURVEY administration this month! Parent surveys were sent home in Thursday folders with the oldest or only sibling at East Midvale. We would very much appreciate your time and thought in completing this survey. Students returning surveys by March 25 will get treats for each sibling at EME and be entered into a prize drawing!
MOBILE MEDICAL CLINIC – Tuesday March 16 at EAST MIDVALE ELEMENTARY. Call 385-204-6257 for appointment. This is a free clinic for uninsured patrons. Consultations done. No physicals or lab work done.
KINDERGARTEN and PRESCHOOL REGISTRATION happening now! Contact EME front office at 801-826-8350. Register for Kindergarten by April 23 and receive a fun take home learning packet!
Looking for childcare? Here is a resource to help find childcare: Care About Childcare
Our kinders celebrated the 100th day of Kindergarten by imagining each other at 100 years old! How fun! Ms. Price and her student were having “back problems” that day!

2nd Step Social Emotional Learning Tip of the Week
Students continue to practice and learn strategies to manage anger, disappointment and anxiety.
This week add exercise to the list of calm down strategies. This can include taking a walk, going for a run, doing jumping jacks, playing soccer, shooting hoops and yoga poses.
Parent Tip: When you see your student struggling to manage an emotion, encourage them to:
- Stop
- Name their feeling
- Try a calm down strategy like exercise.
Calm down strategies include:
- Exercise
- Counting to 10
- Guided meditation
- Positive self-talk
- Belly Breathing
Praise their attempts to manage emotions and their successes.