6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Parent Update Week of January 17-21, 2022

NO SCHOOL MONDAY January 17 – Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday

AT HOME LEARNING DAY Tuesday January 18 – This  was authorized by the Canyons School Board to address the current case counts of COVID-19 in our district schools.  BREAKFAST and LUNCH SACKS will be available for pick up at Midvale Middle School (7852 S. Pioneer St. Midvale) on Tuesday Jan. 18.

AT HOME LEARNING FRIDAYS (including additional days recently added)

  • Friday January 28
  • Friday February 4
  • Friday February 11
  • Friday March 25
  • Friday April 22

PICTURE RE-TAKES will be on Wednesday Jan 19, 2022from 9:00 am to Noon.  Prepay code is 21EastMidvale.  Follow this link to view packages and order online Bell Photo

ENGLISH CLASSES for Parents:  Join our family learning center classes to learn English.  Contact Kenia Bush at 801 826-8380 with questions, reply to this post or just come.

  • 8:30 am to 10:00 am – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
  • 10:00 am to Noon – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
  • 6:00-8:00 pm Thursdays with Evariste and Victor.  Contact Evariste with questions about the evening class 801-875-1314

DISTRICT BOUNDARY DISCUSSION:  On Thursday January 27 from 6:00-7:00 pm at the East Midvale Media Center, we invite our community to join in a discussion on options for boundary changes that will affect East Midvale enrollment in the years to come.   Interpretation available but please let us know your preferred language.  You can RSVP and ask for language interpreter on this post.

5th GRADE SCIENCE FAIR:  Through science fair projects, 5th grade students learn more than just scientific methods to answer scientific questions.  The projects involve reading, writing, spelling and grammar, math, statistics, logical thinking, computer science, and graphic arts.  Fifth grade invites our community to be curious and to learn what they learned by visiting the green hall during Living Traditions Night Feb. 3.  Projects will be set up there.

LIVING TRADITIONS:  In 2022 we are focusing on the Americas and grade levels are doing presentations on Brazil, Costa Rica, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela and the United States of America.  An open house for parents will be Thursday February 3 from 5:30-7:00 pm.

SUBMIT to our RECIPE BOOK:  Parents we invite you to share a favorite bread recipe with our community for Living Traditions.  Please send the recipe electronically to shelley.mccall@canyonsdistrict.org or written with your student to school.  Include your name and country of origin.  We will create a recipe book with all the submissions.

TEACHER OF THE YEAR NOMINATIONS:  Are you amazed and impressed with your student’s teacher?  Please consider nominating them for the East Midvale Teacher of the Year.  Click HERE  to submit a nomination form.