6990 S. 300 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Parent Update Week of January 16-20, 2023

NO SCHOOL on Monday January 16 to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy.

KINDNESS PARADE Jan. 17-20 featuring a parade of welcoming words on signs created by our students and posted in the halls to welcome newcomers in our community..

LIVING TRADITIONS CELEBRATION is Jan. 30-Feb. 3.  The focus region in 2023 is ASIA.  Students will learn about Thailand (Kinder), Afghanistan (1st grade), Maldives (2nd grade), Kuwait (3rd grade), Nepal (4th grade) and Japan (5th grade).

LIVING TRADITIONS FAMILY NIGHT – Families are invited on Thursday February 2 from 5:30-7:00 pm to see and learn about Asia.  There will be country displays, food, an art walk, entertainment and an activity.  If you would like to help plan this event and volunteer, please contact Ms. McCall by replying to this post.

RICES OF ASIA – Again this year, we are doing a recipe book along with Living Traditions.  If you have an Asian Rice Recipe that you would like to share please give that to Ms. McCall to be included in the recipe book.

5TH GRADE SCIENCE FAIR – Science Fair projects will be displayed during Living Traditions Night February 2 for all to see.

5TH GRADE MIDDLE SCHOOL ORIENTATION – On Tuesday January 31, fifth grade students will take the bus to/from Midvale Middle School from 9:00-11:00 am.  Students will get a tour and learn about choosing classes and being in middle school  There will be parent/student orientation that evening starting at 5:30 pm with a tour and treats.  If you have questions, call 801-826-7300.