Parents please help us set a safe example by using the crosswalks on the north and south end of school during morning drop off and afternoon pick up.
If you or your neighbors are bringing a dog to our school fields outside of school hours, please pick up after your dog. There are now bag containers at the gates for community use. (Thank you to an EME parent to creating these for us!)
WEDNESDAY JANUARY 15 ALL PRO DADS: Fathers and father figures are invited to bring their students to a breakfast gathering at 7:45 am. Mr. Wilhite will show a great video clip from Unbroken, will have discussion questions and an activity about self-discipline. RSVP here All Pro Dads January RSVP by Tuesday.
THURSDAY JANUARY 16 OPERATION SANDWICH JR – Our monthly service project making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for St. Vincent de Paul soup kitchen is Thursday from 3:00-3:45 pm. If you are interested in volunteering, please let Ms. McCall know. Student Council students volunteer at this activity. Thank you!
NO SCHOOL on Friday January 17 and Monday January 20.
Jan. 24 – NAWIC Block Contest for interested students in 3rd-5th grades
Jan. 31 – Student of the Month Assembly for Self-Management
Feb. 3-7 – Living Traditions Week – Focus on Europe
Feb. 6 – Living Traditions Night 5:30-7:00 pm
DO YOU NEED TO EXTEND YOUR CHILD’S SCHOOL DAY TO FACILITATE YOUR WORK SCHEDULE? The extended learning program has ten additional spots to fill. The program runs Monday-Thursday from 3:00-4:55 pm and Friday: 1:10-4:55pm and includes dinner. The student needs to attend every day of the week. If your child rides a bus in the morning, the bus is available at the end of the afterschool program day. If you are interested in one of these spots, please fill out an interest form in the front office. Once the form is processed, the parent will be notified whether the student has been accepted and when they will begin.
DOES YOUR CHILD NEED GLASSES? If your child does not have any insurance for eye exams and glasses, Canyons School District is providing a field trip like opportunity for students to attend SightFest in Murray on Friday January 31. Sign up is required. Student will take a bus to the event, see a doctor and if needed, receive a free pair of glasses. Please reach out to Nurse Clegg ASAP if you have questions or want to sign your child up. Deadline is tomorrow Monday January 13 to sign up. Email at or call front office at 801-826-8350 and ask for Nurse Clegg.
FAMILY LEARNING CENTER spring semester classes to learn the English language have begun. Classes are Monday through Thursday from 8:30 am to 10:45 am. Contact the Director Kenia Bush for more information 801-865-5591.
BOXTOPS FOR EDUCATION UPDATE: Congratulations to the EME community for reaching over $245 in 2024 Box Tops earnings! For January, our goal is to reach $255! With bonus offers like 20 extra box tops for a purchase of 4 or more box tops items in one transaction, we can make it! Check the Box Tops app for additional offers and if you haven’t downloaded the app yet head on over to the Google Play or Apple app stores!
Free WIFI and INTERNET – Canyons District continues to provide free internet for families through Comcast Internet Essentials. To enroll, reply to this post or call Mrs. McCall at East Midvale at 801 826 8406. Ask for a Comcast Code. Then call Comcast at 1-844-963 0178 with the code.